Latest Site News and Update Info
The latest additions to this site are added at the top of the list.
13 August 2008
I have been updating, I just keep forgetting to update this page. Sorry.
12 October 2002
The following areas were added or updated:
31106 & 31220
05 October 2002
The following areas were added or updated:
31131, 31132, 31145, 31188, 31203, 31296, 31325
12 July 2002
The site has been moved to a new server (now hosted by 3A Web Hosting) which should mean that it will be updated more often
If you find ANY broken links or files missing PLEASE let me know as I've probably forgotten to upload something
23 March 2002
The following areas were added ot updated:
31219, 31307, 31309 & 31418
11 February 2002
The following areas were added or updated:
31142, 31159, 31182, 31186, 31221, 31244, 31250, 31252, 31253, 31259, 31271, 31304, 31315, 31402, 31413, 31426, 31429, 31440, 31442 & 31507
Rail links page updated
25 January 2002
The following areas were updated:
31105, 31142, 31180, 31285, 31300, 31415, 31421, 31442, 31447, 31455, 31460, 31461 & 31465
14 January 2002
The following areas were added or updated:
31116, 31159, 31205, 31276, 31417, 31431 & 31466
7 January 2002
The following areas were updated or added:-
31119, 31125, 31259, 31270, 31443 & 31447
4 January 2002
The following areas were updated or added:-
31116, 31139, 31164, 31165, 31180, 31202, 31219, 31229, 31272, 31301, 31303, 31311, 31316, 31409, 31410, 31419, 31439, 31452, 31453 & 31459
28 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31002, 31008, 31018, 31138, 31142, 31159, 31199, 31233, 31237, 31263, 31271, 31272, 31296, 31306, 31460 & 31533
21 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31107, 31128, 31176, 31184, 31185, 31188, 31200, 31215, 31233, 31240, 31243, 31247, 31276, 31322, 31327, 31406, 31414, 31415, 31418, 31422 & 31327
19 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31130, 31146, 31238, 31268, 31278, 31292, 31302, 31319, 31401, 31409, 31413, 31416, 31421, 31435, 31444, 31453, 31454, 31460, 31464, 31465 & 31466
18 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31108, 31118, 31124, 31142, 31170, 31206, 31221, 1234, 31247 & 31249
17 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31120, 31131, 31141, 31146, 31154, 31207, 31270, 31280, 31384, 31285, 31308, 31400, 31407, 31408, 31412, 31418, 31422, 31425, 31427, 31433 & 31439
15 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31101, 31106, 31111, 31135, 31143, 31161, 31163, 31166, 31171, 31184, 31195, 31200, 31271, 31275, 31276, 31294, 31301, 31308, 31315 & 31316
14 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31135, 31144, 31163, 31222, 31227, 31277, 31280, 31409, 41430, 31434, 31443, 31446, 31449, 31451 & 31452
13 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31275, 31304, 31305 & 31438
7 December 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31121, 31131, 31132, 31149, 31168, 31187, 31206, 31233, 3147, 31271, 31287, 31306, 31407, 31409, 31420, 31431, 31436, 31444 & 31468
18 November 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31174, 31183, 31250, 31251, 31253, 31406 & 31417
4 November 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31261, 31414, 31427, 31444, 31454, 31455 & 31552
24 October 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31247, 31248, 31314, 31407, 31413 & 31457
23 October 2001
The following area was added:-
22 October 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31188, 31205, 31225 & 31234
20 October 2001
The following areas were updated or added:-
31116, 31121, 31154, 31207, 31285, 31414, 31416, 31420, 31437 & 31451
11 October 2001
The following area was updated :-
7 October 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31142, 31206, 31237, 31250, 31259, 31264, 31282, 31299, 31408, 31412, 31415, 31418, 31459, 31464 & 31545
14 September 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31246 & 31282
13 September 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31190, 31405, 31407 & 31531
2 September 2001
The following area was updated :-
27 August 2001
The following areas were updated or added :-
31018, 31210, 31223, 31232, 31300, 31302, 31408, 31411, 31435, 31442, 31448 & 31524
15 August 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31001, 31112, 31114 & 31124
14 August 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31006, 31110, 31118, 31163, 31170, 31180 & 31405
18 July 2001
I've just noticed the site search was searching my class 56 site and not this site. It's now fixed :-)
14 July 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31106, 31113, 31134, 31143, 31158, 31185, 31200, 31249, 31407, 31410, 31423, 31424, 31438, 31443, 31459, 31452, 31456, 31457, 31458 & 31460
30 June 2001
The following areas were updated :-
31003 & 31004
24 June 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31210, 31232, 31237, 31245, 31258 & 31260
23 June 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31110, 31117, 31126, 31128, 31142, 31188, 31190, 31245, 31284, 31306, 31312, 31314, 31320, 31321, 31407, 31408, 31418, 31420, 31435, 31446, 31459, 31461, 31462 & 31468
22 June 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31434, 31449, 31450, 31452, 31466 & 31467
21 June 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31003, 31110, 31138, 31165, 31276, 31415, 31423, 31441, 31443 & 31467
17 June 2001
The following areas were added or updated :-
31106, 31110, 31111, 31113, 31116, 31117, 31121, 31129, 31146, 31149, 31180, 31184, 31185, 31199, 31203, 31204, 31207, 31230, 31231, 31255, 31283, 31285, 31319, 31403, 31404, 31406, 31407, 31408, 31412, 31415, 31435, 31438, 31468 & 31455
6 April 2001
Another 22 photos added. This site is slowly being updated but at the moment is not a major project of mine
26 October 2000
The first pages added to the site
Copyright © 2002-08 - Colin Birch / Class 31